Over the years, there have been a number of attempts to reform TBS/GGWO. In February 2005, a meeting of GGWO pastors was held in Sandy Cove, Maryland, motivated by concern over GGWO's doctrines and practices. This was an extraordinary opportunity for pastors to get together and wrestle with the longstanding problems in the ministry, and steer GGWO toward the Bible and reform. While the Declaration and Covenant was appreciative of Carl Stevens, the Session Notes (which were not immediately shared with the Baltimore congregation) repudiated some of his more extreme teachings and practices.
As it became clear that Carl Stevens and his replacement, Tom Schaller - and therefore GGWO - would not respect the Sandy Cove reforms, eighty or so like-minded pastors and affiliates met in Florida in March, and then Chicago in May to finalize their break with GGWO. They formally disaffiliated and formed a new organization, the International Association of Grace Ministries (IAGM).
The Sandy Cove doctrinal corrections ultimately made their way into IAGM's doctrinal position.
Michael Marr Summary of the Declaration and Covenant
Sandy Cove Declaration and Covenant
Session Notes: Accountability
Session Notes: Affiliation
Session Notes: Chief elder - General
Session Notes: Chief elder - Spiritual father
Session Notes: Church discipline/Pastoral discipline
Session Notes: Hermeneutics - Anointing
Session Notes: Hermeneutics - Evil
Session Notes: Hermeneutics - Marking
Session Notes: Hermeneutics - General
Session Notes: Pastoral Authority
Pastor Ellis Affiliation Model
Welcome Letter