Pastor Meixner et al |
July 31, 2005
Dear Pastor Schaller and the Board of Elders in Baltimore,
We, the undersigned elders of Cirkev Milosti (Grace Church) in Prague, the Czech Republic, would like to inform you about the following facts:
- The voluntary affiliation with GGWO was based on a personal relationship of the pastor of our local church (who was Pastor Jon Boyce) with Pastor Stevens and his teaching. In view of the fact that Pastor Jon Boyce is not the pastor of Cirkev Milosti of Prague any more, and owing to the fact that Pastor Stevens has left the position of the ruling elder of GGWO in Baltimore, we claim that this affiliation no longer exists.
- As a local church, which is self-governing, self-supporting, and self-propagating, we do not want to be under a direct influence of GGWO in Baltimore and its teaching.
- We testify to the fact that there was incorrect teaching, which influenced the lives of people in our local church. This erroneous teaching (concerning delegated authority, touching the ark, the Lord`s annointed) was defined at the Sandy Cove meeting.
- In your letter of February 15, 2005 to Pastor Tom Powell you write, “We particularly appreciated the structured approach that focused upon the Spirit's illumination of the written Word for our consideration so that we could apply its life principles as solutions to the many problems we as a ministry have confronted.”
And further down, “With eagerness and willingness we look forward to the continuation of the work at Sandy Cove during the period of June 14-17, 2005.”
- In view of the fact that
- at this moment there still exists absence of a process striving for correction of erroneous teaching and practice of GGWO in Baltimore as they have been defined at the Sandy Cove meeting, and
- our local church have decided to continue in this process of correction,
We hereby request that you remove the reference to Cirkev Milosti (Grace Church) in Prague, the Czech Republic from the GGWO website.
Your beloved and loving brothers in Christ of Cirkev Milosti in Prague.
Pastor Jirka Meixner
Ruling Elder
Pastor Jan Jasek
Vit Jasek
Michal Vybiral